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  1. The Ad Take Over – You may want to design and print your own artwork to install in a corporate ad space.  Check out our guidelines here.
  2. The Advertising Black Out / Cover Uptemporarily cover corporate advertising with blank paper and provide pens for people to express themselves instead.
  3. Edit or alter some adverts with a marker or well-placed sticker.
  4. Organise a film screening: list of potential films here.
  5. Organise a workshop. Organise a group gathering to make art, share tactics and engage others in great ways to promote consciousness raising and involvement.
  6. Take a photo of an offensive ad, tell us what you think about it and tweet your picture with the hashtag: #SubvertTheCity followed by your location e.g #Madrid
  7. Stage a public happening. Sometimes a good flashmob is the best way to draw attention to consumerism and the issues it creates.
  8. Write a short article or pen an open letter to your local newspaper.
  9. Start a critical conversation with professionals in the advertising industry.  Write a letter to local media. Tell your local representative what you think about advertising.
  10. Anything else you can think of!

How to submit your action story ?
While organising locally for the weekend of mobilization, be sure to send to a quick report to  2 or 3 photos and a short summary of your action (5 lines with who-what-when-why should be sufficient, but more is always welcome.) Do it in your language, but if you can, add an english version for greater diffusion. If you email us 10 – 20 seconds of video footage then we may be able to include it in a wrap-up video as well. You can also tweet us and join on facebook there: @SubvertisersInternational