The ZAP Games (Zone Anti-Publicité) is two weeks of participatory actions against outdoor advertising that begun in Belgium in 2020. Inaugurated by local groups Bruxelles Sans Pub, Liège Sans Pub and Namur Sans Pub, the action framework invites people to make any intervention – big, small, beautiful or blunt – against outdoor advertising panel and then report it. It concludes on Black Friday with an Awards Ceremony and party which celebrates everyone’s actions and gives out prizes for actions under certain categories including: ‘Most Number of Pannels Detourned’, ‘Surprise’ and ‘Sculpture’
This year, following the revival of The Subvertisers International network, the ZAP Games has groups participating from Portugal, Argentina, England as well as Belgium.
The ZAP Games provides an excellent movement-building event for activists to express their anti-advertising grievances and provides a tonic for the Black Friday publicity blitz pushes us into a feeding frenzy of special deals and hyperconsumption.

You can report you action on the ZAP Games website: https://zapgames.net/enregistrer-une-action/
You can see all the actions from 2022, 2021 and 2020 here: https://zapgames.net/#actions

DH News report here.
VIDEO: In Melbourne, activists from Democratic Media Please use a fire extinguisher full of paint to protest a large digital advertising screen on #BlackFriday 2022. #consumerism #ZAPGames #subvertising pic.twitter.com/8pIi02Dkoc
— Subvertisers Intl (@SubvertisersInt) November 26, 2022

Spotted in Bristol this morning 👀 @SubvertisersInt pic.twitter.com/oWg0ybsK66
— Adblock Bristol (@AdblockBristol) November 25, 2022