The Subvertisers’ International politically supports all its members in using non-violent tactics implemented in order to challenge the advertising system. It does not take legal responsibility for actions of its local members.

Who we are
The Subvertisers’ International is an international movement of individuals and organisations concerned with how advertising affects society. We are local and national groups of activists, artists and collectives, NGOs and not-for-profits, teachers and parents, scientists and doctors, public and private citizens. We are all concerned with how commercial media is shaping our lives, and determined that the time to act is now.
Our tactics are diverse but our network is focused on one thing: addressing the role of commercial media in social, economic, and environmental justice by interrogating how it affects our shared public media spaces. Our members create consciousness-raising opportunities that address the issues of advertising’s influence on society through non-violent civil disobedience, advocacy and campaigning, workshops and training, academic writing and lectures, politics and protest…..and every once in a while a well-humoured prank .
We are a young network that is committed to creating change through hard work and persistence. We want to connect with citizens and groups from all over the world that support our shared values. We need your help to develop an international movement based around our mutual interest in seeing the public take control of the commercial media in pursuit of a more just, verdant and equitable world. We think our time has come and hope you do to.