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In Valencia, Spain, corner of Luis Peixo and Antonio Juan streets The Photographer took out ads, and replaced them with anonymous figures.
Watch the video here:

Their accompanying poem in Spanish (auto-translated below):
En la publicidad, no tenemos nombre ni apellidos.
Somos sus objetivos.
No tenemos cara ni mirada.
Somos objetivos.
Siluetas sin detalle, cifras, figuras despersonalizadas.
Sin rostro, manipuladas y manipulables.
Somos sus objetivos,
pero detrás de las siluetas, hay personas .

La publicidad nos despoja de nuestra identidad
y nos convierte en meros objetos de consumo.

Nos reduce a siluetas sin alma, a figuras sin historia.
Nos manipula, moldea y nos convierte en marionetas de sus intereses.
Nos hace invisibles, sin nombre ni apellidos, sin cara ni mirada
aunque detrás de las siluetas, hay personas .

Nos transforma en sus objetivos,
en blanco de sus estrategias,
en piezas de un engranaje que no nos pertenece.

Nos convierte en sombras, en reflejos de lo que quieren que seamos.
Nos roba nuestra esencia, nuestra individualidad
Somos sus objetivos

Lo perverso es que saben que
detrás de las siluetas, hay personas .

In advertising, we do not have a first or last name.
We are its targets.
We have no face or look.
We are targets.
Silhouettes without detail, numbers, impersonal figures.
Faceless, manipulated and manipulable.
We are its targets,
but behind the silhouettes, there are people.

Advertising strips us of our identity
and turns us into mere consumer objects.

It reduces us to soulless silhouettes, to figures without history.
It manipulates us, molds us and turns us into puppets of its interests.
It makes us invisible, without name or surname, without face or look
although behind the silhouettes, there are people.

It transforms us into its targets,
into the target of its strategies,
into pieces of a gear that does not belong to us.

It turns us into shadows, into reflections of what they want us to be.
They steal our essence, our individuality
We are their targets.

The perverse thing is that they know that
behind the silhouettes, there are people.