Illustre Feccia and London squatters “Kidnapped, mashed and re-pasted” bus stop ads for these two pieces in London, UK.
As explained on their blog, ‘Mac Purge’ (below) used a McDonalds and Tesco ad. They added the note “Boycott McDonald- Mc Donald is directly supporting the geocide in Palestine. Mac Purge means: being directly responsible of purging palestinians- Capitalism and colonialialism means white purge!”

‘Mac Disaster’ uses two different ads- Mc Donalds and the London Eye.

The process for these works was “inspired by “international situationist”, the drift -le dérive; It’s a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences.
It’s about decontextualizing different advertising propaganda, subverting their narrative to give your one.”

As well as the blog, find them on Instagram & facebook
And there’s a third piece: Untitled Number 4 (below).