Over the first week of the ZAP Games the ‘Asterix & Obelix Brigade’, also known as the ‘Lesser Known Billboard Baggins South London Crew,’ targetted digital screens and billboards in Greater Lambeth, South London in the UK with paste-up additions and paint.
“Targeting as many digital billboards as possible in a zone mostly between Brixton & Camberwell, which included 5 digital street monoliths & one in West Norwood High Street (also in Lambeth) cluttering the pavements and polluting the community’s public spaces with images consumerism, it seemed fair to interact creatively by pasting over the screens with pre-made stencilled words “LIVE MORE / BUY LESS” in various colours on recycled Rebel for Life A3 posters.”
“There was also opportunity to target the obvious Macdonalds billboards always present in the Loughborough Junction area, which called for a change of tactic by painting directly onto the billboards with a brush extender and a few pots of house paint, maybe the odd bit of spray paint!!!!”
And once you’re out and about with the paint it’s easy just to make some modifications to another billboard or two. Good work Asterix & Obelix.
And finally, in their words: “The consumer capitalist advertising technocratic machine monster will fall.
Long Live the ZAP GAMES !!!!!!!!!“